درس 6 ل 6
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الحلقة 6 | الحج | أركان الإسلام

There are 4 Pillars of Hajj without which the Hajj is invalid: Ihram, spending some time at Arafah, Tawaf ul Hajj, Saee ul Hajj. 7 Wajibat of Hajj are the acts you must do and if you do not you are sinful, you have to offer a sacrifice if you leave a wajib due to some valid reason. The sunan are many. Episode 6, Hajj, Pillars of Islam Our Quran Memorization channel @Zill Noorain Quran Memorization Main channel @Zill Noorain Urdu channel @Zill Noorain / Urdu by subscribing to our channel, you promote our work. Website www.Zillnoorain.com Facebook @zillenooraininstitute Instagram @zillnoorainins #5pillarsofislam #Hajj #islam #pillarsofislam #pillars #seerah #zakah #muftimenk #battle #kidsland #zillnoorain #kidsmadanichannel

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